You are Defining the Future of Parks and Recreation in Parkville!

The City of Parkville Parks and Recreation Department's focus is to provide the public, both residents and visitors, with unique recreation experiences. This master plan will provide a clear vision to guide the department for the next ten years in achieving this focus.

Community input is a foundational element in a successful master plan. This website is one component of the public engagement strategy for this master plan and will provide a dynamic location to share feedback, review other feedback, and receive updates throughout the master plan process.

The right column provides a process snapshot with upcoming engagement events and an overall timeline that will be updated throughout the project. Using the tabs below you will find interactive opportunities to share input and see what others are saying about parks and recreation in Parkville.

Check back often as the page will provide schedule updates and input opportunities throughout the master planning process!

As we get started, below you will find several opportunities to provide input from your experiences, needs, desires, and expertise as members of the Parkville Parks and Recreation community. There are three opportunities to participate on this website using the tabs below:

  • Interactive Map - Drop comments directly onto a map of Parkville and tell us about your needs and ideas.
  • Introductory Poll - Respond to several poll questions to tell us about Parkville Parks and Recreation system.
  • Idea Wall - Upload images of amenities, events, or facilities that you appreciate about Parkville or would love to see in the parks system as we look forward.

Interactive Map


Click "Add Marker" on the map above.


Place your point on the map and choose your comment type!

Introductory Poll

Idea Wall